This happens every time I start a blog. Maybe you can relate? I have so much to share, and say, and I look forward to getting feedback about what's going on and then... I stop writing it all down. I stop taking the time to share. And then the gap between posts gets just plain embarrassing. Know the feeling? So, here I am, attempting a blog resurrection! Bear with me ;)
On my reading list right now is "You Can Farm: The Entrepreneur's Guide To Start & Succeed In A Farming Enterprise" by Joel Salatin, "Lasagna Gardening" by Patricia Lanza, "Living With Chickens" by Jay Rossier (with tons of great photos in it) and "Tomorrow's Table: Organic Farming, Genetics, and the Future of Food" by Pamela C. Ronald & Roul W. Adamchak. Now I just need to stop watching mindless movies and sitcoms and actually spend my winter reading!
Here's 2011 in review in terms of homesteading:
I created 5 raised beds, filled 3 of them with dirt and have two more that I'll develop next year.
In my garden I had a great crop of melons, cukes, snow peas and corn, but didn't do well with edemame, tomatoes (heat), and squash (bugs). Also, had TWO $150 water bills over the summer - yikes!
I planted 4 fruit trees (an apple, peach, cherry and plum) - the cherry tree didn't make it though.
I planted 4 seedless blackberry canes, which all survived, and even produced a few berries their first year!
I planted 4 raspberry canes and 4 blueberry plants which all died, but I think they just weren't very healthy to begin with. That's what I get for buying plants at a big box store!
I planted a box hedge that's small, but doing well.
I built a chicken coop, got five chicks total, all of which died by the end of September (insert wah-wah here).
I started a compost pile
I built up a frame for a garden around a tree in the front yard.
I planted roses, rhodedendrons and hydrangeas around the house. 1/2 are still alive... so that's something...
So, lots of successes, and LOTS of failures, but that's the joy of getting to try new things. Failing isn't failing so much as it is an opportunity to learn and try again :)
In 2012 I'm going to:
Get enough dirt for all of my beds
Grow only veggies I really really like
Replant raspberries, blueberries and add strawberries
Plant some attractive edibles in the front yard
Plant bulbs around the front yard trees
Try chickens again!
Replant my cherry tree
Build rain barrels
Start more seeds inside and start it earlier
Build solar panels
Refinish kitchen cabinets
So, that's what you have to look forward to in 2012 if I can keep up with it ;) With my track record, I'll probably bomb about half of those, but I still plan on trying!
Happy New Year ALL!!!